Sunday, December 14, 2008

Mengerti - Kru

Rosyam Nor


It was quite wonderful weekend this time. I went to Putrajaya again. I was waiting for my client when I suddenly noticed someone who is very familiar to me. It was Fiza,dah lama x jumpa.... I still remember vividly,last time jumpa pon masa tu nak attend Majlis Cari Menantu -Finale. Farrah Adeeba reserved a table for me utk ajak2 kawan2 skali...God bless u,, I decided to invite K.Ana,my housemate masa tu Faisal, Mohammad and Fiza to join me. lagi & makan kenduri some more gitu @ PICC was 29th March kot if I'm not mistaken.....that was the last time I met now, we bumped into each other again....glad to meet u,Fiza.

After waiting for almost an hour, my client turned up......we then lepak2 at the food court (Rasa Food court yg kt dlm Alamanda tu) He's interested with my product & will love to set another appointment least ader positive feedback. As for me, I'm ok with it.......dah deal ngan mcm2 kerenah clients ni tp whatever it is, I must admit,sometimes if ikutkan ati mmg bole ilang sabar but kene selalu ingat - 'Customers always right' so, kene gak control sabar, tunjuk muka yg sentiasa tersenyum ala2 tag line Ambank itself - Let us make u smile...:)

Wan turun KL and lepak kt Fazil's house since her wife xder kt umah during the weekend. We decided to go to Shah Alam coz nak layan goreng pisang best kt Section 19, near Ziana Zain's house tu...I strongly recommend this Goreng pisang baik punya Kedah mali talak sombong hehe....siap penah kuar newspaper tentang kelazatan goreng pisang ni gitu...kene datang awal,if not frust la for those yg datang jauh penat2 just because nak layan goreng pisang tu ha ( I lah tu hehe)... We arrived there around 4pm & orang mmg ramai giler babas time tu. So Wan kene Q gak teramat la puas ati biler dpt layan goreng pisang itu....hmm.....

Sebelah malam,kitaorang gi lepak kt usual place (Azeezah Station.....kt maner lg kan huhu)...sambil pekena Nasi Goreng Thai.....seriously, I ate a lot today tp apakan daya.....rezeki jangan ditolak hehe....TQ a lot Wan for your treats (Goreng pisang,Nasi Goreng Thai & etc) Nasib la ader byoung pagi,petang & malam....bole la detox,nyahtoxin bagai maklum la di usia begini kene la ader amik supplement gitu rite?...:) to go now......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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