Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Can't take that away from me- Mariah Carey

Bz busy sibuk & seumpamanya serta yang sewaktu dengannya....life is like a roller coaster gitu.... Seawal pagi dah kuar umah gi bertandang ke umah Datin Sri Maneesah...bukan nk pergi bergossip tp nk gi tolong aper2 yg patut coz dier ader buat 'makan makan' skit today...seriau la jugak lalu area Bukit Antarabangsa tu becoz of kejadian tanah runtuh recently......tapi alhamdulillah,rumah Datin Seri selamat......syukur...The whole morning kt situ coz she needs a favour from me to settle and help her with a few things....no hal for me and I did it as promised....

From there,I went to Bukit Bintang to meet my new prospect. This guy kawan lama masa primary school but sekarang ni dah jadi 'somebody' gitu......x sangka betul coz I still remembered masa Standard 3, this guy 'nakal' teramat coz ada kejadian ngeri that he did to me & I dpt rasa even until now! So, masa jumpa dia I'll make sure there will be no jokes or aper2 yg bole buat I jd malu nanti.....he's full of surprises and unpredictable....rasa mcm jejak kasih jugak coz lama sgt x jumpa.....bole keep in touch balik ni pon coz happen to be one of his staff dh jd my client and recommend his boss(kawan lama i ni) to meet and to explain further product Ambank ni. Bila I kol & story skit, my friend ni lak macam bole detect and ask me a few questions which leads to this jejak kasih ni....hehe....what a coincident and what a small world!

Lama gak lepak2 kt Starbucks kt BB tu....he's married but no children yet....belom ader rejeki katanya....da kawin almost 6 years...I told him not to worry and keep on trying...hehe...teringat kt akak rakan kongsi biz I yg dpt her first baby after 10 years of marriage...kuasa Allah s.w.t......alhamdulillah.

I got sms from Hilmi a.k.a Mickey ( my ex housemate) informing that her wife safely delivered a baby girl at HBAS yesterday. Congrats! Dah jd bapa now so insyaAllah I'm planning to return to Alor Setar dlm masa terdekat ni so bole la visit nanti.

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