Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Alhamdulillah - Too Phat ft Yassin

From left:Faruhi,Tajul,Dr.Sidek Baba,Khidir a.k.a Ah Seng & I

Demam makin teruk & felt dizzy teramat but still gak bole online.....huhu...hidup mesti kene ceria kan...ny heart will go on- celine dion....gituuuuu....:) My roommate x balik umah....tido kt ofis gamaknya.....from my observation, a few of my friends yg keje auditor ni selalu kene stay back and even kene tido kt ofis.....respect la dgn diaorang nyer dedication to their works sampai to that extent. Bravo!!!

Although tgh demam & pening ni, I kene gi KLCC jumpa client ni coz dah set appmnt dgn dia for a few times cuma ari ni happen to be dia got free time so, by all means, I went there to meet him. Then, I remembered I kene gi ke Presinct 2 Putrajaya to meet someone there. So, trus jer dgn selamba gerak ke sana. Arrived there dah kul 12.30pm, I tried to call Wan dulu, kot2 dia free.....since Wan cakap OK,I went to Parcel D first to meet him. We went to Alamanda, AmIslamic Branch to prepare for the Bank Draft. I nak issue cheque jer but forgot to bring it so kene la jugak buat Bank Draft coz I wanted to settle the matter latest by today. Lunch kt Kenny Rogers Alamanda. I noticed ader one group of people ni ( ala2 same age dgn I la lebih kurang) dok pandang2 jeling2 kt kitaorang....Wan dah mula tarik muka but I cuma buat2 tak tahu and malas nak layan org2 cenggitu.....mengumpat jer keje nyer....xper, I x rugi sesen pon u all.....What goes around comes around.....bagi I, this type of people cuma akan sedar if the very same thing occurs to them...nothing really matters......In order to lessen Wan's anger, I changed my place and sit in front of him so that Wan cannot see them directly.....Sabar yer Wan.....Seakan menguji - Amuk

Hantar Wan to his ofis,I gerak to Presinct 2. Alhamdulillah, Great news! Dah settle all!...Syukur.. Met that person for a few minutes and then I drove back to KL.....Arrived home quite early and received a call from Kak Dini. Met her at the stokis.....just found out that Kak Dini is younger than me hehe....but she looks very matured (not old ok...don't get me wrong) Aper2 pon akak maintain vogue gitu.....thanks for your help and support...:) Sincerely from the bottom of my heart, I really appreciate your mom pon always pesan "tak rugi apa2 kalau kita buat baik kt org lain" Budi baik dikenang jua & abg. Budiey(UIA) dah engaged...hehe...

Ok la, have to stop here dulu b4 I start merapu lagi yg bukan2, my headache lak makin menjadi2.. I pen-off here....wassalam....

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