Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dugaanku - Ning Baizura

I got a very severe headache.......have to postpone a few things and decided to go to the clinic nearby....It's already 11am & I still eat nothing so I decided to go to Azeezah Station to have my breakfast. Layan Roti canai & nescafe ais sambil online kt situ.....sempat reply msg Kak Alim huhu....Dato' M called ajak lunch together kt Oldtown White Coffee Taman Melati but I can't make it...sori ya Dato'....really appreciate your invitation but I plan to return home and take a nap jer......sampai umah sempat layan jap Wanita Hari Ini, Kak Ifa on air dgn Azura as the hosts segmen tilam &bantal, guest artiste is Erema (popular lagu 'Pelita di bawah purnama') Layan jap cz citer dier ni mmg tgh hot now.....dari sumber2 yg teramat i percayai, I lebih prefer to give my sympathy to Erema & the good thing is that she didn't reveal the real thing to the media coz x nak buruk buruk kan sesaper....I pray to Allah swt....tabahkan hati, be a strong girl to face any challenges ahead....

I managed to take a nap for a while but before that I asked one of my downlines (agent) to bank in on my behalf to Junny's firm account (Ramreza - 1.4k ) via cash deposit machine to settle the fee & stamp duty. I'm glad to have circle of friends cum downlines cum agents who still support me all the while....a friend in need is a friend indeed....Alhamdulillah, syukur 21...:) I love u all.....Rozi sayang kamu

I called a few people today & sms as well.....Azrin (Ustaz Azrin now) is in Pendang,his wife's hometown....I was on my way to IIU Gombak when I made a fon call to Sh. Zahira a.k.a Cikgu Shipah. She's also in Kedah rite now.....glad to know that she's now 7 months pregnant, mother-to-be gitu......she gave me Ayu's new number & immediately I called Ayu coz it's been quite a long time x borak2,gelak2,lepak2..... maklum lah, most of them dah jadi isteri the best thing is that they still keep in touch and accept me seadanya like the old days.....those were the days- Mary Hopkins (u all bole cari this song kt dlm you tau lagu ni.....oldies gitu) I agak terkilan(Haleeda) bila ader a few (tak la ramai...cuma sorang dua tiga gitu) yg bila dah kawin, ala2 x nak berjumpa langsung,kol pon x nak angkat,sms pon tak reply...ala2 suam suam kuku gitu's ok then....I have my own that case I ambil jalan to remain silent & x nak layan sgt org2 yg attitude macam ni.......takut i promote product investment I or macam la I nk promote MLM ker aper....huhu.....personally, I respect for those yg ader niat or usaha serta minat utk berniaga ni coz Nabi Muhammad s.a.w dulu pon berniaga & 9/10 punca rezeki tu pon datang dari perniagaan....rite? If x suka,jgn sampai condemn or insult...there's a better & polite way to tell kan......i ni dah mangli (bahasa org Kedah) dgn org yg kekwat & the worth part lak tu siap mention & bagitau kt member2 lain not to purchase aper2 product yg I nk share the benefits gitu ha....(tu dah macam menutup pintu rezeki org lain & believe me, Allah swt Maha Kaya.......what goes around comes around) normally org2 yg ala2 kekwat & konon2 dah complete semua bagai ni la yg paling banyak hutang situ sana sini, gali lobang tutup lobang jer.....ehhh......mcm ter emosi la pulak ....but I don't mean nk menuding jari kpd sesiapa tp siapa makan cili dia yg terasa pedas, tepuk dada tanya selera......I luah kan mcm ni pon utk kita saling ingat mengingati including myself...but so far, I'm really happy & syukur sgt2 dgn segala kurniaan yg dah diberikan olehNya......and of course, doa from my parents utk anakanda diaorang ni wonder bila ingat2 balik, almost every month mmg I balik kg & almost everyday gak I engage fon with my mom berjam2 huhu.....I promise to myself to make them happy selagi diaorang masih ada...bila ingat balik time kecik2 dulu,mmg naughty teramat tp my mom still bole sabar......terharu lak rasa......gituuu..

ok la.....da ngantuk dah ni.....have to stop here......entry kali ni paling emosi so far huhu.....sekadar renungan.......renung2 kan dan selamat beramal (ikut gaya ckp proffesor Izi Hj. Ali) hihi....:)

Astalavista ........Au revoir!!!

1 comment:

alim sharif said...

yuhuuu...wah..sessi panjang lebar ye rozi...dahla bersantap kat azeezah station..dokek bonar dah ngan rumah mak cik ni..tak ajak pun...dah kenyang ngadap roti kosong & nescafe ais...baru nak inform ye?..hehehe.. apa2pun... lps ni kena belanja mak cik mkn ok?!