Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hati emas- M. Nasir

Fasha Sandha

Aktiviti weekend kali ni quite exciting gak coz I went to an annual gathering of a company and they invited M.Nasir and Faizal Tahir as performers mlm tu. Faizal Tahir sang more than 3 songs mlm tu antaranya lagu Gemuruh,Cuba,Sampai ke Syurga etc. Then M.Nasir,opening act dier lagu Hati Emas,one of my favourite songs! Dier bnyk nyanyi lagu2 yg kene dgn taste i la hehe....Raikan Cinta,Tanya Sama itu hud-hud,Mentera Semerah Padi,Juwita Citra Cinta Terindah etc. I enjoyed myself and dpt door gift lg huhu.

Then the next day, I kuar tgk wayang with Faizan a.k.a Pijan the MAS steward. TQ a lot for sponsoring me to watch 'Histeria' b4 tgk wayang tu, I sendiri almost nk histeria coz sampai jer kt The Mines, parking full and wayang lak dah nak start. Frankly speaking, I mmg tak biasa dgn The Mines ni but since Pijan yg ajak, I gagahkan diri pegi jugak ke situ although I don't eat anything yet & perut dah mula berkeroncong untuk Ana(M.Nasir), I keep on praying,there will be a parking lot for me. Thank goodness! I dpt betul2 kt entrance level 1,so cepat2 kuar n kol Pijan...Gosh! Line lak x ok, so I tanya a chinese girl kt kedai Dockers nearby kt ner lokasi TGV Cinema tu. I rasa dah macam ala2 I'm part of Amazing Race dah gitu....but finally I met him. So sorry, I lewat a few minutes and I admit it was my mistake. Lagipun this is my first time I watch movie kt The Mines ni. Normally my usual place will be KLCC TGV or GSC One Utama. Pernah sekali layan movie kt Midvalley 'The Signature'. I Ingat sangat date tu coz on the very same day gak I lost my wallet & hp (14 June 2008) First time masuk balai polis buat report kt Selayang Police Station and thank goodness I got best friends yg fully understood me & kebetulan lak my best buddy who is currently working kt New Zealand baru balik bercuti kt sini pon ader that time. That day gak I supposed to fetch up Farrah Adeeba kt Kajang after abis majlis dgn Rorine (launching of new outlet if I x silap la)but disebabkan unexpected thing happened,I fetch her kt Sri Pentas jer masa tu. So, Farrah,her hubby Rafique, her friend Amrun, Shahril & I layan 'Kungfu Panda' masa tu kt Midvalley and it was Farrah's treat. Gold class lagi tu u ols....Thanks a million Adeeb and you are indeed one in a million!!. Thanks for understanding the situation masa tu. I will never ever forget the tragedi buah epal- Kak Nita. I admit it was my mistake and very careless sampai misplaced my wallet & hp tu. That's why sekarang I jd very extra careful gitu.
Back to the story masa I smpai kt The Mines tu, nasib baik la movie baru start so kira ok gak la citer 'Histeria' ni.....kelakar pon ader. Hmm....TQ a lot for your treat,Pijan & I really appreciate that....:) Afterthat,kitaorang just jalan2 kt The Mines tu, window shopping jer.

Arrived home around 8pm. Before that, I went to UIA to buy food for dinner. Norehan called mintak tlg send her to Gombak. So, I went to Keramat to take her & we went to Gombak. Around 10.30pm baru dapat dinner dgn aman huhu....TV programmes mcm x best jer tonite so layan internet jer la.....

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